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Tuition and Fees

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Now that you’ve decided to go to college, you will need to decide how to pay for it.  Tuition and fees are determined by your home campus, and all billing is issued by your home campus.  

Questions about tuition, billing or refunds should be sent to your home campus rather than TN eCampus.

Tuition and fees vary by:

  • Degree type (undergraduate vs. graduate)
  • Institution type (community college, university or TCAT)
  • Program of study (allied health, education, etc.)

New tuition and fee rates are established at the beginning of the academic year beginning with the Fall semester and are applicable to the Fall, Spring and Summer semesters.

For complete information on tuition, fees and policies, visit the institution that offers your program of interest.

Online Fees for In-State Students

Depending on the campus you select, the Bursar’s Office, Business Office or Cashier’s Office is responsible for providing tuition and fee information, disbursing student refunds and collecting payments. Other services provided by the office can include third-party payment, deferred payment, student direct deposit, book vouchers, and fee waivers and discounts for those who qualify.

Maintenance fees, commonly referred to as “tuition,” are the charges based on credit hours for in-state students. For example, a student pays a flat rate for the first 12 hours of course credits and a discounted rate for any additional hours above 12.

Students at each campus also pay mandatory fees to support student activities, athletics, cultural opportunities, and other unique projects and campus-specific programs. Mandatory fees vary from institution to institution and are paid by all students regardless of the number of hours taken.

The combined cost of maintenance fees, mandatory fees and other miscellaneous fees result in the total price a student must pay.

Online Fees for Out-of-State Students

The eRate is available to students who enroll at TBR institutions, who are classified as non-residents of Tennessee, and who are enrolled exclusively in online courses.

The eRate is 150% of the institution’s approved undergraduate or graduate maintenance fee. The hourly rate is not discounted for students receiving the eRate and enrolling in greater than 12 undergraduate hours or 10 graduate hours.

Qualifying for the eRate

Students must meet all institution admission requirements and must be verified as an online out-of-state student enrolled exclusively in courses delivered online by a procedure documented by the institution.

Students enrolled in any type courses other than online (on-ground, telecourse, distance education, etc.) will not be eligible for the eRate specified in this guideline and will instead incur traditional non-resident fees and charges. Students who enroll in both online courses and other type courses and subsequently drop the other type courses will not then become eligible for the eRate.